Karen Iglehart 

Even though I use the landscape as inspiration, it is not as a specific place reference. The horizon facilitates a sense of space that relates to our physical world. It is a starting point that evolves into an idea of color, that then changes and responds to what is happening on the canvas. I have lived in a number of different environments, and the memory of weather, temperature, colors and atmosphere stay with me and exert strong influences.

Part of my impulse to paint comes from my connection to Buddhism and a desire to create and share a space that is not filled with commentary, story line, or thoughts to fill one's mind . Actually, I am trying to do the opposite, to create space that allows the mind to stop, or at least pause. I would like the viewer to feel an “outbreath”,…a sense of relaxation,…space to move into.

In terms of my actual process, color is very important in my work, and therefore I spend a lot of time mixing paints. To contrast the openness of color areas I use pencil as a type of calligraphic mark... to cut through the space and express an energy that is very personal and immediate. A mark "without thought”. I enjoy working in various sizes from 12x12 inches to 36x48 inches therefore communicating a sense of openness in a broad range of scale.

Thank you for your interest and attention.
Karen Iglehart