Greg Sampl


Artist Statement

I come to painting and art-making in general not from a fine art background, but from the study of lettering and graphic design, from an early exposure to Baroque music, and from many years lived as a Christian monk. These experiences have developed my sensitivities and formed my aesthetic. Composition is all-important to me. Color, shape, and line are my primary elements, and I orchestrate them as abstract figures, sometimes working with my imagery’s narrative aspect, but usually not. I enjoy looking at things—the contemplative gaze, if you will—and watching light fall.

My subject is usually interiors or still-lifes and I try to paint each in the same way, regardless of scale. I am concerned to keep my pictures quiet, yet intense. Beauty, rather than query or comment, is my goal.

You will see in my work taken as a whole a great range of styles. I am still learning, still experimenting, still finding my voice. I welcome your comments and criticism.